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Actual researches of legal and historical science (Issue 63)

Date of conference

11 July 2024

Remaining time to start conference 0

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www.lex-line.com.ua - Міжнародні науково-практичні інтернет-конференції за різними юридичними напрямками

At present the theses of lectures of the International scientific internet-conference on a theme are adopted:

Actual researches of legal and historical science (Issue 63)

The term of materials presentation till 11 July 2024

Glory to Ukraine! Glory to Heroes! Victory will be ours !!!


Dear scientists!

    After the assistance and at active participation of Public organization "Naukova spilnota" and The Higher School of Management and Administration in Opole Wyższa Szkoła Zarządzania i Administracji w Opolu (Opole, Poland) held conference on a theme: Actual researches of legal and historical science (Issue 63).

Our collections of materials from scientific and practical Internet conferences are assigned an ISSN number 2617-2364.

On this page you get the possibility to take part in the International scientific internet-conferences on different juridical and historical directions. Your lectures will be placed on the given site, and also will be published in the collected works of conferences. All the scientific conferences on this internet page contain the sections only of juridical and historical directions. The materials are taken place on the given site and in the collected works of internet-conference due to the section, in an alphabetical order according to the authors' names. Certificates are given out participants about participating in a conference. 

Form of participation: distance, conference duration 18 hours (July 11-12 2024 р.) 0,6 ECTS credits.

The publicftion is included in databases: Google ScholarAcademic Research Index (ResearchBib).

Languages of conferences: Ukrainian, English and Polish.

Sections of conference:

Section 1. Theory of the state and law. Philosophy of law
Section 2. Constitutional law. Constitutional judicial law. International law. Administrative law. Administrative judicial law. Custom and tax law. Municipal law
Section 3. Civil and domestic law. Civil judicial law. Commercial law. Housing right. Obligation law. International private law. Labour law and public guarantee law
Section 4. Criminal law. Criminal judicial law. Criminalistics. Criminology. Criminal-executive law. Medical law. Judicial and law enforcement institutions. Advocacy
Section 5. Arbitration law. Arbitration judicial law. Environmental law. Land law. Agrarian law. Financial law. Banking law
Section 6. Law of intellectual ownership and his defence. Informative law. Information Technology
Section 7. History of the state and law. History of political and legal studies
Section 8. History of establishing of Ukrainian statehood
Section 9. History of the world and international relations
Section 10. Archeology. Anthropology. Ethnology

   Every user of Internet all over the world will be able to familiarize with materials of conferences.

    The cost of publication of theses of lectures for participants from Ukraine is made by 90 grivnas for every complete (or incomplete) page of format of A4 and 200 grivnas for collection and certificate. The payment for edition of collections is sent on:

IBAN account UA253052990000026005013306335 in "PRIVATBANK", MFO of the bank 305299, recipient private entrepreneur Rusenko U.O., recipient's USRE code 3258001482. Purpose of payment: Payment for participation in the conference.

     For participants from other countries organizational payment is 3 USD for every (complete or incomplete) page of the given theses of lecture and 10 USD for sending of collection and certificate. A cost and sending of everyadditional copy of collection of materials of conferencepresent 10 USD. For foreign participants payment comes true international standard through the payment system Western Union - Recipient: Sviatoslav Rusenko. During the transfer ofelectronic funds necessarily specify the last name.

The requirements for materials’ registration:

• materials are given in the format of “doc” or “rtf” text editor Microsoft Word;
• number of pages – 2-12 pages;
• The margin and top and spacing are to be 20 mm from all sides;
• Print - Times New Roman, size - 14, interval between lines - 2,5;

It is allowed to include tables and figures in the text of a scientific work. Drawings and tables on landscape pages are not accepted.
The font size in the tables should be 2 points smaller than the main text of the work.
The number of tables and figures in the text should be minimal.
References to the literature are indicated in square brackets in the text [1, p. 2].
Footnotes and references are not allowed.
The list of references should be drawn up in accordance with the DSTU 8302:2015.

Theses, information about author (authors) and scanned copy or a photo of the receipt are sent in the electronic kind on e-mail: lex-line@ukr.net

Information about authors, to which it is necessary to send collections and certificates is send in separate file with data domestic address, city code, telephone, work place or teaching, position, scientific rank, scientific degree, e-mail (after possibility and desire).

The standart of filling the information about an author (DOWNLOAD).

In information about the author of students and cadets of universities should indicate the scientific leader.

Example of theses’ registration



Scientific degree, full name of the author
Place of work or studying, ORCID ID
Text of lecture (14 pt)




• Responsibility for the material lighted up in theses is carried by the authors of lectures.
• Each incomplete text page costs the same as complete.
• Materials are not edited, please prepare carefully.

Collections of materials and certificates are sent to the specified address two weeks after the conference. Sending by Ukrposhta is carried out at the expense of the organizing committee, sending by Nova Poshta is carried out at the expense of the recipient.

Request to order additional copies in advance.

Organizational Committee ISIC
mail box 797, Ternopil, Ukraine 46005
Contact telephone: 38(097)907-49-70
e-mail: lex-line@ukr.net


© 2006-2024 All Rights Reserved At use of data from the site, the reference to the www.lex-line.com.ua is obligatory!

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Наукові конференції
Актуальні дослідження правової та історичної науки. Юридична лінія
З яких джерел Ви дізнались про нашу конференцію:

соціальні мережі;
інформування електронною поштою;
пошукові інтернет-системи (Google, Yahoo, Meta, Yandex);
інтернет-каталоги конференцій (science-community.org, konferencii.ru, vsenauki.ru, інші);
наукові підрозділи ВУЗів;
порекомендували знайомі.
з СМС повідомлення на мобільний телефон.

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