14.05.2007 16:33
Автор: Маланчук Вікторія Миколаївна, студентка юридичного факультету Луганського державного університету внутрішніх справ
[Конституційне право. Міжнародне право]
We live in Ukraine, one of the largest countries of Eastern Europe. It has its own territory, government and national symbols. The government of Ukraine underwent rapid change in the early 1990s. The independence of Ukraine was proclaimed on the 24 - th of August, 1991.Its sovereignty is now recognized by all the countries of the world. Ukraine has its own Constitution and currency. The Constitution is the main law of each country. Each state enters into the Constitution the principles, according to which it lives. The Constitution of Ukraine confirmed the main principles of our state, the rights, freedoms and duties of every citizen. That’s why the Constitution is an integral part of the life of each state.
There is no denying the fact that not so long ago Ukraine had very weak connections with other countries in the world. But at present the situation has changed for the better. As now Ukraine is a sovereign state it establishes new relations with the countries throughout the world.
Recently a great number of various joint projects have appeared in Ukraine. One of such projects is Civic Education. There are many sources of civic education in our society, such as families, the mass media, business and professional associations, labour unions, community organizations, religious institutions. Schools, however, have a special and historic responsibility for the development of citizenship. If the society and its schools fail in their civic mission, then the constitutional democracy will be at risk.
The major aim of civic education in Ukraine is to prepare its students for a productive and meaningful life as citizens in state, national settings. Civic education is based on the democratic idea that active citizenship in the form of political participation is essential to the health and well-being of both the person and the polity.
The civic knowledge component is embodied in five fundamental questions:
1. What are civic life, politics and government?
2. What are the foundations of the Ukrainian political system?
3. How does the government established by the Constitution embody the purposes, values and principles of Ukrainian democracy?
4. What is the relationship of Ukraine to other nations and world affairs?
5. What are the roles of citizens in Ukrainian democracy?
We suppose the maintenance and improvement of Ukrainian constitutional democracy is dependent upon the informed, effective, and responsible participation of its citizens.
Civic education in a constitutional democracy is the preparation of citizens to fulfill their responsibilities to sustain and enhance self-government. Democratic self-government in Ukraine requires citizens to participate in the affairs of their communities and state. To participate effectively, citizens need intellectual and participatory skills, as well as knowledge about their government and society.
Our country, its system and its liberties are not a perpetual-motion machine that can run indefinitely without the attention of the people. The continued success of the constitutional democracy depends, in large measure, on the education of our young citizens. It is also necessary for young people to show an understanding not only of the government but also of the working of civil society through which a free people express their civic concerns.
Civic education is important to civil society. We suppose students’ understanding of civic life, politics and government should increase both in scope and depth as they progress through the elementary, middle and high school years. In addition, their command of essential intellectual and participatory skills should continue to develop as they move toward the assumption of the full rights and responsibilities of citizenship.
Citizens should understand the basic civic values that are the foundation of Ukrainian constitutional democracy:
- examine what it means to be a good citizen;
- identify and describe the rules and responsibilities students have;
- examine the basic principles of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of Ukraine;
- understand that effective, informed citizenship is a duty of each citizen;
- explore how citizens influence public policy;
- evaluate and defend position on what the fundamental values and principles of our life are;
- participate in society activities.
A good citizen has a responsibility to work to improve his or her society. Every citizen should realize how important his rights are to him, how satisfied he is with his life. Citizens should understand that through their involvement in civic life and in nongovernmental organizations they can help to improve the quality of life in their neighborhoods, communities and nation. They also should understand that if they want their voices to be heard, they must become active participants in the political process.
1. Конституція України. Прийнята на п’ятій сесії Верховної Ради України 28 червня 1996 р. – Х.: ООО «Одиссей», 2005. – 48 с.
2. Скакун О.Ф. Теорія государства и права (энциклопедический курс): ученик. – Харьков: Эспада, 2005. – 840 с.
3. Фрицький О.Ф. Конституційне право України: Підручник. – К.: Юрінком Інтер, 2002. – 536 с.
4. Чиркин В.Е. Конституционное право зарубежных стран: Ученик. – 4-е узд., перераб. и доп. – М.: Юристь, 2005. – 669 с.
5. Walter C. Parker. Teaching Democracy. – N. Y.: Teachers College Press, 2002. – p. 191.
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