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Actual researches of legal and historical science (Issue 63)

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11 July 2024

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19.02.2020 18:25
Author: Maksurov Alexey Anatolevich, PhD in Law, Professor, Kiev National University named after Taras Shevchenko
[Section 1. Theory of the state and law. Philosophy of law]

Coordination legal technology has long become a familiar governance mechanism in the hands of the executive branch of the island of Jersey.

For instance, the requirement to improve coordination expressly stated in the Report of Committee of Inquiry to examine the operation of third party planning appeals in the Royal Court (up to 31st March 2008): «...continue to co-operate closely and, where possible, improve coordination of their provision of information and support (including...information and other improvements in website support and coordination between the Planning and Environment Department» [1].

The requirement to improve coordination expressly stated in the Report of Taxi Regulatory Reform «...organises radio communications, taxi coordination at the airport and supports the Taxi...scarce resource, integration and coordination with some other service where this...extremely rare for there to be any coordination between the authorities’ taxi procurement...» [2].

Sometimes the object of coordination is an important category of citizens such as children. According to States Assembly Annual Report 2009, «a Sub-Panel Review of the Coordination of Services for Vulnerable Children...children are coordinated and, if such coordination was not apparent, the ways in which a...recommendations in its final report, Coordination of Services for Vulnerable Children...» [3].

No less attention is paid to the family: in force Williamson Report: Implementation Plan – approval and funding, «...operational planning and make recommendations to enhance the coordination and management of services across key providers of family...operational planning and make recommendations to enhance the coordination and management of services across key providers of family...» [4]. In the field of social security States of Jersey Financial Report and Accounts 2014 notes that «that single agencies cannot solve, improving the services that users receive, and enhancing the coordination of services across organisational boundaries» [5].

In the field of information security Year 2000 Date Change (Position Report) reported that «The Establishment and Policy and Resources Committees have agreed that responsibility for Year 2000 coordination and direction should rest within the Information Society Commission which has recently been formed under the Policy and...» [6].

Thus, the areas of application of the achievements of coordination legal technology executive power of the Jersey island are quite diverse.


1. Report of Committee of Inquiry to examine the operation of third party planning appeals in the Royal Court (up to 31st March 2008) // http://www.statesassembly.gov.je/Pages/Reports.aspx?page=2&query=coordination

2. Report of Taxi Regulatory Reform // http://www.statesassembly.gov.je/Pages/Reports.aspx?page=2&query=coordination

3. States Assembly Annual Report 2009 // http://www.statesassembly.gov.je/Pages/Reports.aspx?page=2&query=coordination

4. Williamson Report // http://www.statesassembly.gov.je/Pages/Reports.aspx?page=2&query=coordination

5. States of Jersey Financial Report and Accounts 2014 // http://www.statesassembly.gov.je/Pages/Reports.aspx?page=2&query=coordination

6. Year 2000 Date Change (Position Report) // http://www.statesassembly.gov.je/Pages/Reports.aspx?page=2&query=coordination

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21.02.2020 10:38

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