In philosophy and the private sciences, the concept of "function" is used in a variety of meanings. Thus, philosophical dictionaries understand a function (functio – performance, performance) as an external manifestation of the properties of an object in a given system of relations. The etymological approach inherent understanding by "function" activities, business, work, fulfillment, etc. In legal science, the term "function" is often used today to characterize the social role of the state and law, or social purpose [1,232]. The term "function" itself is ambiguous. It is acceptable for all dynamic characteristics of structures. However, in any case, the function is associated with the directed selective influence of the system (structure, whole) on certain aspects of the external environment. This is how the general definition of the function of an object (phenomenon) in the philosophical literature is formulated.
When understanding the function of law as its social purpose or direction of legal influence, closely related, but at the same time dissimilar categories are identified, each of which has its own meaning and performs a certain methodological role in defining the concept of the function of law.
Consequently, we can define the functions of coordinating legal practice as such relatively isolated areas of homogeneous (homogeneous) positive (progressive) impact on subjective and objective reality, in which its nature is concretized, dynamism, creative and transformative nature, social and legal purpose, place and role in the legal system of society, its focus on the coordination of other types of legal activity and increasing the overall effectiveness of legal regulation in general.
To properly understand the essence of coordination functions, they will inevitably have to be classified.
General social functions are determined by the perspective goals of coordination, the achievement of which is usually provided by the coordination practice not separately, but together with other varieties of legal practice, the entire legal system, in connection with which the classification of the functions of coordination practice and general social functions of law practically coincide. That is, the general social functions demonstrate the interaction of coordination practice as a component of the legal system with other parts of it.
If the basis of allocation of common social functions are external to the focal practice social factors, internal criteria within the coordination practices, conditions the existence of specially-legal functions. Special-legal functions are more objective in nature and do not depend on the will of people, their implementation is mandatory and necessary, since the properties of coordination practice find a special expression in them [2,63].
The special legal functions of the coordination practice include, first of all, the regulatory and protective functions. From the regulatory function of the coordination practice, in essence, the registration-certification, legal-concretizing and recommendation functions of the coordination practice are derived. The law enforcement (protective) function also consists of a number of sub-functions, primarily preventive, law enforcement, law enforcement, punitive and compensatory.
1. A.A. Maksurov Coordination in legal systems of the countries of Europe. Part I. Monograph - M.: Rusays, 2018 .- 544 p.
2. Kazmin I. F. General problems of law in the conditions of scientific and technological progress. – M., 1986. - 188 p.