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Actual researches of legal and historical science (Issue 64)

Date of conference

12 September 2024

Remaining time to start conference 12

  Scientific conferences

  Useful legal internet resources

 Useful references
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Законодавство України
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Useful legal internet resources

State Bodies
Central Executive Organs and State Committee

  Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine
  Chief Department of Ukrainian State Service *
  Department of State Guard of Ukraine
  Government Service of Export Control of Ukraine
  Government Service of Roads of Ukraine
  National Commission of Regulation of Electro energy of Ukraine
  National Space Agency of Ukraine
  Security Service of Ukraine (SBU)
  State Commission on Securities and Stock Market of Ukraine
  State Committee for Construction, Architecture and Housing Policies of Ukraine
  State Committee of Ukraine of Family and Young People
  State Committee of Archives of Ukraine
  State Committee of Communication and Information of Ukraine
  State Committee of Forestry of Ukraine
  State Committee of State Boundary Guard of Ukraine
  State Committee of Statistics of Ukraine
  State Committee of the Nuclear Regulation of Ukraine
  State Committee of Ukraine of Dwelling Community Economy
  State Committee of Ukraine of Land Resources
  State Committee of Ukraine of Nationalities and Migration
  State Committee of Ukraine of Physical Culture and Sport
  State Committee of Ukraine of Physical Culture and Sport
  State Committee of Ukraine of Physical Culture and Sport
  State Committee of Ukraine of the Technical Regulation and Consumer Policy
  State Committee of Ukraine of Veterans
  State Committee of Ukraine of Water Economy
  State Committee of Ukraine on Energy Economy
  State Committee of Ukraine on Television and Radio Communications
  State Committee on Regulatory Policy and Entrepreneurship
  State Customs Service of Ukraine
  State Labour Protection Department
  State Property Fund of Ukraine
  State Tax Administration of Ukraine
  State Tourist Administration of Ukraine

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Наукова спільнота - інтернет конференції
Міжнародна інтернет-конференція з економіки, інформаційних систем і технологій, психології та педагогіки
Наукові конференції
Актуальні дослідження правової та історичної науки. Юридична лінія
З яких джерел Ви дізнались про нашу конференцію:

соціальні мережі;
інформування електронною поштою;
пошукові інтернет-системи (Google, Yahoo, Meta, Yandex);
інтернет-каталоги конференцій (science-community.org, konferencii.ru, vsenauki.ru, інші);
наукові підрозділи ВУЗів;
порекомендували знайомі.
з СМС повідомлення на мобільний телефон.

Результати голосувань Докладніше