State and Law - this social phenomena, characterized by versatility, consistency, difficult structural, multifunctionality etc. Because they are the subject of study of many legal and social sciences, each of which has its own research objectives, goals, approaches.
The theory of law has its subject, functions and methods, occupies a specific provision in the social and legal sciences.
System of social (non-legal, humanities) sciences are philosophy, history, sociology, political science , economic science etc. But none of these sciences does not replace the theory of law in the study of state-legal phenomena. They only contribute to a better understanding of law and state, because studying their nature in a broader context.
Philosophy explains the most common patterns of social life, including those relating to state and law. Conceptual apparatus of philosophy is theoretical and methodological reference point for all social sciences, including the theory of law and other legal sciences.
History exploring in chronological stages of social development, the specific facts of state-legal life of peoples, not makes generalizing conclusions, not looking at them, unlike the theory of law, general laws.
Sociology exploring society as a whole, some of its institutions, processes, groups, studying the state and the law only as they relate to elements of society.
Politology close to the state and law, because the state - an important subject political system of society, it implements a policy of life through legal regulation of social relations. But political power, political relations, processes, consignment, leaders are studied as separate phenomena. State and law as closely related to the economic life and with the management of society.
System of legal science covered the general concept for them "jurisprudence".
Legal science a system of objective knowledge about the properties of law and state in their conceptual understanding and legal terms, about general and specific patterns of emergence, development and operation of law and state their structural diversity.
Statute the theory of law as a system of legal science determined that it:
- is a general theoretical , methodological, other basic applied sciences;
- combines and uses the data and conclusions of law sciences with metob to more general theoretical generalizations;
- examines the basic laws of the state and law in general;
- produces general concepts, principles on which the other sciences.
Legal science as a system of legal sciences can be represented through the structure - internal division into main groups (views) sciences which are interconnected:
1) theoretical and historical (the theory of law, history law and state - general and patriotic, history of studies about law and state);
2) branch ( state law, civil law, criminal law , employment law , family law , administrative law, financial law, environmental law, commercial law and others) and interbranch (criminology, prosecutor's supervision , organization of justice);
3) special applications ( criminology, forensic science , forensic psychology , forensic accounting and other). Applied Sciences are complex. To resolve the legal issues they are using and conclusions of both legal and non-legal sciences (physics, chemistry , general statistics, medicine and other);
4) science, studying public and private international law, constitutional law of other countries and other.
Nowadays use the results of centuries of achievements in the field of knowledge of law, state. Law in a state of recovery, due to objective conditions - transition to market relations, sovereignty of Ukraine, the formation of new thinking, which is the conceptual basis of human rights.
So, I can conclude, theory of law occupies prominently including social sciences and among legal sciences. Contributes to the general knowledge about society and developed in close collaboration with other sciences. Its study provides a deeper understanding and correctly identify certain processes society in general and in one state, solve problems in a particular area of social or legal sciences. While there is a direct need for parallel study and the entire system of interconnected sciences, separate existence is not that impossible, admission and threatens many errors. The system of social sciences theory of law is a private sociological theory which examines the state and law as a social phenomenon (institutions), namely as institutions of society. The system of law, theory of law is the general theory, methodological basis of legal sciences industry: concepts, principles and rules, open and some theory of law with all of Jurisprudence guiding values. Together with the methodological value theory of law is essential in determining the general legal categories, use for all branches of legal knowledge, for example such as the law, legal norm, relationship, legal regulation mechanism, application and implementation of law and other. active use these advances theory of law will talk about more in-depth integration of scientific knowledge.
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