Each man's freedom, honor and dignity is an essential part of his identity. The question today is very relevant. Legislation protects man, his life and health, honor and dignity, inviolability and safety on the state level. In view of public requirement of protection of especially important social values by criminal law, the Ukrainian legislator has provided in the acting Criminal code corresponding section about crimes which encroach on freedom, honour and dignity of the person. Public danger of illegal imprisonment consists of human rights infringement of a personal liberty (in the form of a personal freedom) whose inviolability is fixed by the Constitution of Ukraine. According to the Constitution of Ukraine (Articles 29 and 28) everyone has the right to liberty and respect for his dignity. It is fixed in the Basic Law that honor and dignity is the highest social value in the state.[1] In general understanding the will is human freedom. The person independently decides how to behave in a certain situation. To limit him in it is strictly forbidden. The concept of "honor" is defined as the relation of man to himself, and attitude of society to him as a representative of a population.[3] Considering it, in view of public requirement of protection of especially important social values by criminal law, the Ukrainian legislator has provided in the current Criminal Code section about crimes which encroach on freedom, honour and dignity of the person. Section has seven separate offenses, such as unlawful imprisonment or kidnapping (art. 146 of the Criminal Code). Illegal imprisonment can be performed by application of physical violence (e.g. the victim bound and locked in a cellar, stirred in advance prepared place and etc.)), and also by mental violence (e.g. under the threat of the weapon the victim is forced to follow the kidnapper). (art. 147 of the Criminal Code) hostage-taking is his abduction, which may be secret or open, committed by fraud with violence, including the use of weapons or can be done without the violence., the substitution of a child (art. 148 of the Criminal Code) this crime is substitution of another's child, that is to replace a baby or babies to others, human trafficking or other illegal agreement toward person (art. 149 of the Criminal Code) crime is quite common, especially for young women and girls who are recruited to work abroad and they are used by criminals in their own interests, the use of a minor child for begging (art. 150-1 of the Criminal Code), exploitation of children (art. 150) the offense is the exploitation of children or adolescents under the age of which allowed employment through the use of their work for profit, illegal placement in a psychiatric institution (art. 151 of the Criminal Code) this crime is placing (dwell) in a psychiatric institution obviously mentally healthy person.[2]Victims of crime may be any person including minors. Public risk of crime in question is the fact that during their commission is unlawful influence on the Fundamental Law of Ukraine assigned values unique to the person whose loss is evidence of the transformation of man into an animal or thing. Everyone should know their rights and defend their country. Public danger of considered crimes is that during their commission unlawful influence on assigned values occurs which are inherent only for the person and their loss is evidence of the transformation of man into an animal or thing. Each person should know the rights, and the state must protect them.
1. Конституція України. – К.: Преса України, 2007 р. – 80 с.
2. Кримінальний кодекс України в редакції від 01.05.2016 року. ВВРУ №2341-14
3. uk.wikipedia.org